As pointed out in previous blog posts, MyForce is part of the EU-funded Horizon2020 BISON project bringing significant innovation to the customer contact market (want to know more about this? Read more here).
We are very glad to announce that the EU recognised our hard work and the potential of BISON, as we have officially been selected as one of the top innovators receiving a spot at CeBIT. CeBIT is one of the world’s biggest IT and technology trade shows, taking place in Hannover (Germany) on 20-24 March.
Johan Minne, CEO of MyForce, is very happy with this recognition: “Over the past couple of years, everyone at MyForce has been working hard to build an amazing new solution for customer contact companies, combining speech technology and big data to achieve better performance and conversation quality. In the past weeks/months, we have been demonstrating the current state of this project to several customers and other interested companies, with a lot of positive feedback as a result. Therefore, we really feel like we have reached the perfect moment to introduce speech technology in key markets.”
“We are grateful,” Johan continues, “for this opportunity the EC grants us and are looking forward to presenting BISON at CeBIT.”
Are you coming to CeBIT? Don’t hesitate to pay us a visit and drop by in the EU Village.
Disclaimer: The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645323